We are glad you are here, especially newcomers. This is an "Alcoholics Anonymous" website.
Our primary purpose is to stay sober and to help other alcoholics achieve sobriety.
'Our only requirement for membership is our 3rd tradition, a desire to stop drinking'.
If you do have a desire to stop drinking and you have come here to learn about our way of life
or, if you have come simply seeking AA fellowship, then we welcome you!
AA - Australia Unity Recovery Group meetings offers daily online AA meetings and a general discussion forum.
Please take time out to read our simple guidelines etc. regarding our GC decisions. In becoming a member, you
agree to adhere to the those decisions and discussion format. They continue to apply at all times during
meetings or open chat!.
In the spirit of AA, love and tolerance, AA - Australia Meetings may contain many diverse points of view
regarding alcoholism and Alcoholics Anonymous from visitors especially those unfamiliar with our fellowship.
Some discussions may often be offensive or controversial. AA - Australia attempts to maintain as free and
open of an AA meeting place as possible.
In accordance with the first AA tradition "Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery
depends upon AA unity", if you have come to carry any message directly opposed to the AA method
of recovery, we suggest you seek a more appropriate site.
This is an AA group that encourages everyone to carry the message of hope that AA offers, and posts or
shares that attack the very nature of AA will not be allowed to continue.
Also, continual and intentional disruption of the online AA meetings and discussion forums will not be
tolerated and will result in loss of attendance privileges.
Please be respectful of each other and for those not aware, Paltalk is our landlord, we are their tenants.
Abusiveness or insults towards others won't be tolerated here. Share your own inventories, please dont
take others.
Sexual harassment, vendetta's, stalking or making prejudicial comments toward another member is
considered abusive.
Please remember, Principles before Personalities. If you are having a personal problem with someone
in our online AA community, please
try to resolve it privately. If you have tried to address it one on one without any resolution forthcoming
send us an IM or email and we will take appropriate course of action.
Please avoid the use of neon or brightly colored fonts in the meeting room as these colors are very hard
on the eyes.
Don't spam the chat room. Think of your buddies plus, your own character comes under scrutiny as a
result of it.
Taping (Cam's, cameras or audio recorders) of our room or any speakers without specific permission will
not be tolerated...Breaking anonymity is contradicting our traditions, consequently, any offenders will be
removed immediately!
Posting links to other groups outside AA is not permitted with out consulting an admin first.
If someone is sending you unwanted whispers or messages put them on ignore and contact us immediately.
NB Recommendations passed on from the Australian GSO on behalf of all AA groups
Board Recommendation 1-2/99: "The Board recommends that barring a problem person from an AA meeting
does not constitute barring from AA, but is rather applying Tradition 1 and putting the common
welfare of members first".
If the matter deteriorates, a Restraining Order should be obtained and, should the order be violated, police
assistance should be sought.
Thanks for taking the time to read this as it is for your security and helps us stay aligned with ourTraditions
By entering the room I agree to abide by the guidelines of the group as determined by our 'Group Conscience'.
"Group Conscience AA OZ Unity Group"